Saturday, December 11, 2010

Perfect freedom

"The perfect freedom of a single necessity"  a fragment from Annie Dillard's essay, "Living Like a Weasel."

The famous 1991 Halloween blizzard
Dillard's graphic image is of the weasel's skeleton with its teeth clamped into the neck of a predatory bird, perhaps an eagle.  But today my image is of a blizzard insisting that we all stay home and thereby bestowing freedom from ACTs, concerts, Christmas shopping, and any number of other competing opportunities and responsibilities.  I know that this is not freedom for some who wanted to do those things or for those who still must be out plowing or selling groceries or otherwise taking care of business.  Even in my house there is work to be done: grading, and bill paying, and making cookies.  But the doing of it, with the horizontal snow blowing outside the window and an occasional bird landing on the feeder, seems more like freedom than captivity today.  And even though I'm still blogging and checking up on other people on Facebook, I realize that this freedom is freedom from distraction as well as from decisions.

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