Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Playing patriot.

Insurgents and Patriots
Check out this comment by my cousin Clark on his book blog.  His comments on T. H. Breen's The Revolution of the People suggest that the book might be useful for Tea Party papers and even interesting on its own.  But, here's what grabbed me: a bit of autobiography about "playing" at some historical moment. 
This is not my cousin.

April 19th is a holiday in Massachusetts, Patriots Day, and each year on Patriot's Day I would walk the Isaac Davis trail from Acton to Concord and watch the parade and reenactment of the battle, with lots of colorful uniforms, muskets and cannon fire.

I don't know if the school kids in Acton got to wear costumes when they observed Patriots Day, but I do wonder about how this sort of observation works its way into our imaginations and our bones.  Of course Deloria on "playing Indian" is in the back of my mind together with the admission some of you made about having all the Pocahontas stuff.  How else do we get free of our own time, place, and skin other than by giving ourselves over to our imaginations?

1 comment:

Clark said...

Thank you for commenting on and linking to my post, DeAne. I didn't even realize that you had this great blog!