Monday, March 28, 2011

140 character dream

BBC on The Amreican Dream Today

Buried in this British Broadcasting Company report on the current state of the American Dream (worth a look) is an invitation to articulate that dream in a tweet.  This is a time-limited opportunity, so if you are interested in giving it a try do not delay!

Tweeting the Dream

Can you define the American Dream in 140 characters or less? Send BBC_WNA a tweet and include #americandream - we'll publish the best at the end of this week.


Liza Mussatto said...

I have a twitter account, so I sent my #americandream message to the BBC account... Maybe it will get re-tweeted by the end of the week! We'll see.

L. DeAne Lagerquist said...

Liza, Even it you don't get "re-tweeted" you can post your message to your own blog and mine too. LDL