Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Meeting Bowls in NYC encourage conversation

One part of my summer work has involved working with colleagues to select furnishings for Old Main, where we will move in a few months.  We've tried out office chairs, discussed bookshelves, and thought hard about the benefits and draw-backs of various configurations of seating and writing surface for the classrooms.  We've also delighted that we'll have several areas designed specifically to encourage students and us to be conversation with each other: comfy chairs, nice view, etc.

All that is in the background of my enjoyment of this story about urban furnishings.  Look at those two, inside the bowl.  Try not to think of the spinning teacups at Disney Land although the bowls do rock a bit when people enter.  Imagine the conversation they are having as they face each other inside that bowl in the midst of Time Square. 

No, we will not install these in the lawn, outside the east entrance of Old Main.  Perhaps we will have some inviting chairs on the porch.

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