Thursday, April 7, 2011

conversing about conversation

Our conversation (de-briefing), on Monday, about discussion prompted at least one student posting as well as the comments in class.  Some nuggets to recall:
  1. In-class discussion goes best when participants are prepared.  This can happen before class as well as in class.  
  2. Conversation is more satisfying when it has a focus.  This can emerge as the conversation unfolds or be provided at the outset by a question or assertion. 
  3. Participation is more lively when the topic matters: that is, both when the people are passionate (to some degree) and when the outcome has consequences.  To the latter I add this: the consequences might be simply better understanding or more dramatic changes.
  4. Some folks prefer to have a position and stick to it; others enjoy trying out a variety of views.  The first might be linked to conversation intended to persuade and the second to conversation intended to generate understanding.
  5. add your own . . .. 
  6. think about what you can do to strengthen your contributions and the conversations

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