Friday, April 1, 2011

Redefining the Dream: more from the BBC series

Here is reporting on polling that contributes to alternative articulations of the "American Dream."

1) Traditional materialists
2) Secular spiritualists
3) Deferred Dreamers
4) Dreamful Dead

The story begins this way:
Veteran US pollster John Zogby says . . . .many have redefined what that dream means. Steadily over the past decade, I have witnessed in my polling a fundamental redefinition of the American Dream, even for that matter, the American character.  While fewer Americans believe that the American Dream still exists for themselves or for the middle class than before (57% compared with 74% just prior to the Great Recession), more Americans say that the American Dream means something different to them than it did before.

He also asserts that the generation now under 30 years of age are a major force in the increasing percentage of Americans who conceptualize the American Dream in terms other than getting more for themselves.  Rather, he finds that they see that "life [is] about being genuine, about achieving a legacy larger than one's self, about leaving this earth a better place for family, community, and planet."

If  Zogby is correct, then I want to quote Agree, quoting Dylan: "may you be forever young." 

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