Monday, April 11, 2011

Lessons from reading Walden with American Conversation students

1)  Living deliberately is not easy.  Paying attention (a la Bellah) requires mental energy and discipline.  It may require saying no (a la sabbath practices recommended by  authors such as Barbara Brown Taylor).  Living deliberately is not easy.  It may require doing more physical labor rather than less.

2) Living awake may require getting enough sleep to be able to be up early in the morning and then staying awake through the day. Here HDT is in agreement with Franklin.

3) Living deliberately and awake may include being willing to stop paying attention to many things that other people want us to pay attention to and to be open to being surprised.  Deliberation is not the same thing as having a detailed five-year plan; indeed it may involve abandoning a plan in favor of a life. Here HDT seems out of step with Franklin.

4) Perhaps there are more to come, but this is what I have time for before my next obligation.

1 comment:

Kate said...

These are definitely good points, and good things to remember when going about daily life. Thanks for sharing.