Wednesday, September 14, 2011

talking to everyone, representing all of us

This is a delayed post about hearing Sen. Al Franken from the MN State Fair.  He was funny in a way that I don't recall him being since he announced that he was running for the office.  He wasn't wearing glasses, as this photo shows, though I had to take that on trust since that did not show up on the radio.  He has had cataract surgery which corrected his vision.

And he said, "The best thing about being a senator, in contrast to being a candidate, is that I get to talk to everyone whether they voted for me or not."  Now, that is my idea of an elected official: one who gets that no matter which of us voted you into office, you are representing all of us.  The job is not to please please those who voted for you, even if I did, but to govern with wisdom and fairness according to the law and the nation's ideals.

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